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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NRI Searching brides and grooms with a lot of forex & misseries associated with them.

Male sex looking for a Female sex & visa verse around the globe to copulate and have children and start a family is a scientific/biological way of saying a person is wanting to have sex and is touring / searching around or for that matter around the globe for a sole mate.This is more true now as globalisation is at such a rapid pace that some countries have put up strict immigration laws to avoid losing its own race/culture to immigrants.But that's not the end of it people who immigrate to the first world countries still prefer to marry a person of his own race but does not trust the local immigrant populace fearing they would have lost there virginity and culture in the fast pace of its host country,what next ,This same person hops on a flight and heads for his mother land where he/she knows disappointment chances are very narrow .

The person in concern happy at his/her achievement and trophy looks like a "content cat who got the cream" heads back to where he/she came from not realising what he/she has compromised for.That could be knowledge ,Education, Colour, cast, Creed, Money, etc. This leads to many hardships like sexual exploitation,verbal and sexual abuse, unconsensual sex, forced prostitution, marital rape,and at times even even murder.

But this is a minority case as compared to the majority who say they are happily married or prefer to put it that way since parting is a expensive affair in the first world countries.This is practically beneficial for both parties i.e the two countries and the couple.When they live and earn and save apart from there differences it gives the host country a required employable employee in any capacity and the other the much desired $$$$$$$ forex (foreign exchange) which he/she remits back to his/her mother land.(read-parents in laws)

For instance as per "The Times of India" edition dated 21st March reads
India top remittance receiver:About5.7 million Indians working abroad sent home $27 billion in 2007,making the country the top receiver of immigrant remittance.

This is as far as it gets. when i wished to check on this subject on the world wide web it gave me jitters .There was nothing interesting that i got there to put up to you my readers that would appreciate the subject i am writing about,but what i saw was child sex, prostitution,flesh trade and so on .What i would like to know from you readers is weather what i have written adds up to me taking up this subject as sex tourism.please put in your comments.


1)Indian media have been publishing exposes documenting the foul behavior of Gulf Arabs in the southern Indian town of Hyderabad. "Fly-by-night bridegrooms" by R Akhileshwari in the Deccan Herald and "One minor girl, many Arabs" by Mohammed Wajihuddin in the Times of India are two important examples. Wajihuddin sets the stage:
They are old predators with new vigour. Often bearded, invariably in flowing robes and expensive turbans. The rich, middle-aged Arabs increasingly stalk the deprived streets of Hyderabad like medieval monarchs would stalk their harems in days that we wrongly think are history. These Viagra-enabled Arabs are perpetrating a blatant crime under the veneer of nikaah, the Islamic rules of marriage.
(I have silently corrected some typos). Wajihuddin then specifies the problem:
Misusing the sanctioned provision which allows a Muslim man to have four wives at a time, many old Arabs are not just marrying minors in Hyderabad, but marrying more than one minor in a single sitting. "The Arabs prefer teenage, virgin brides," says Jameela Nishat, who counsels and sensitises young women against the malaise.
The Arabs usually "marry" the girls for short periods, sometimes just a single night. In fact, Wajihuddin reports, marriage and divorce formalities are often prepared at the same time, thereby expediting the process for all involved. Akhileshwari notes that "their girl children are available for as little as 5,000 rupees to satisfy the lust of doddering old Arab men." Five thousand rupees, by the way, equals just a bit over US$100.
An Indian television program recently reported on a show-casing of eight prospective brides, most of them minors, at which they were offered up to their Arab suitors. "It resembled a brothel. The girls were paraded before the Arab who would lift the girls' burqa, run his fingers through their hair, gaze at their figures and converse through an interpreter," recalls one of Nishat's assistants.
Wajihuddin also offers a specific case history:
On the first of August, forty-five-year-old Al Rahman Ismail Mirza Abdul Jabbar, a sheikh from the UAE, approached a broker in these matters, seventy-year-old Zainab Bi, in the walled city, near the historic Char Minar. The broker procured Farheen Sultana and Hina Sultana, aged between thirteen and fifteen, for twenty thousand rupees [DP comment: that equals US$450]. Then he hired Qazi [DP comment: an Islamic judge, usually spelled qadi in English] Mohammed Abdul Waheed Qureshi to solemnise the marriage. The qazi, taking advantage of an Islamic provision, married the girls off to the Arab. After the wedding night with the girls, the Arab left at dawn.

2)While contemporary popular discourses dismiss gender and feminism as passe, patriarchy and sexism continue to limit human possibilities around the globe. The tourism industry can be a force for empowerment but it can also shore up exploitative gendered practices. At the same time, tourism enquiry itself continues to be dominated by western, masculinist approaches. This collection of studies seeks to advance feminist and gender tourism studies with its focus on embodiment. Broad themes include the construction of narratives, how discourses of desire, sensuality and sexuality pervade the tourism experience, the use of the body to represent femininity,masculinity and sensuality, and finally how travel and tourism allow for empowerment, resistance and carnivalesque opportunities.

3)Adults travelling specifically to have sex with other consenting (if paid) adults in foreign countries are not seemingly monitored or controlled by any country. So, will sex tourism ever be dealt with as long as there are economic disparities between countries and people have undeniable and unquenchable urges to have sex? Should we not be looking at our own societies for an answer rather than all-too-easily pointing the finger of blame at paedophiles and lonely middle-aged men?

4)From, "Goa Tourism: Love knows no borders," comes an article noting that Indians from elsewhere and Nepalese men are flocking to Goa for jobs -- with marriage to a foreigner considered the ultimate success.
Love they say knows no boundaries and what better way to epitomize the feeling in the case of Raj, Prabhakar and Bharat. The trio's love for their partner's and now wife's has transcended the boundaries of colour, religion, nationality and religion.
The former waiters present the other side of the Goa shining example materialising through the tourism platform. Goa, which served as a spring board for them, a life beyond taking orders from hotel guests. Love and marriage has opened new doors for the trio as they now live and work in Europe along with their wives.
Raj would not agree with anyone who argues that holiday romance, remains an affair confined to the holiday season and no further than that. Typically in most cases the holiday fling and Goa included, the romantic liaison is all over after the holiday ends. As one of the partner packs his bags and leaves to head home to his home country.
But for Raj and for two of his colleagues, working at Dominic beach side seasonal restaurant in Benaulim, in South Goa, the holiday romance was not just fleeting moments, but a long lasting relationship which has been solemnized in marriage.

5)How can they endorse sex tourism in Nepal; while in another related store they want to ban someone becoming naked at the top of Mount Everest. Hmmmm I say if someone is brave enough to get naked at the TOP of Mount Everest where I am sure it is DARN cold - go for it!!!If you can get naked in one spot of Nepal than it should be fair game anywhere. I am sure not many people say the guy naked at the top of the mountain where as more people are going to see others naked for the sex trade. Live in peace with or without clothes…